ERAS Energy - Project and commercial consultants
ERAS provides commercial and technical advice, modelling, market research, policy and project support for project developers, corporate investors, financial institutions, utilities, and public institutions. Our in-house modelling platforms enable us to provide dynamic energy dispatch, network flows, supply and demand, and price modelling to help you optimise your projects, risk management and asset portfolio.
Our multidisciplinary team includes economists, engineers, financial analysts, traders, chemists, risk managers, and environmental experts who have global market knowledge and hands-on industry experience. We work collaboratively, ensuring that all aspects of a problem are considered.
Our range of services include project origination, contract advice including expert witness, feasibility studies, dynamic dispatch and market modelling, marketing studies, risk management and hedging, price forecasting, financial and technical evaluations.
Recent projects have included building gas and electricity dispatch models, commercial due diligence for IPOs (energy and a chemicals companies), expert witness on pricing and risk in LNG contracts, polysilicon and solar panel production project origination and feasibility study, wind project studies, contract advice for a CCGT project, LNG market studies, LNG arbitrage model, refinery pre-feasibility study, aromatics project evaluation, membrane manufacturer's busness plan and oilfield services company acquisition study.