ERAS Arabia - Project and commercial consultants
Our more than 25 years of project and advisory work in the Middle East region has fostered strong relationships with local and foreign investors, government agencies and private companies. ERAS is now a strong presence in the region, having worked with many of the leading companies and public agencies, especially Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the GCC countries' undertaking advice on public policy for numerous government ministries and agencies, a number of successful IPOs, feasibility studies and project consultancy.
ERAS has extensive experience of business origination in the Arabian Gulf in energy, chemicals, technology driven and services sectors. This puts us in an ideal position to develop projects on behalf of local and foreign investors.
In addition ERAS has supported international trade negotiations with simulation modeling and advice for the GCC Secretariat and several of its member states.
Our work in the region has included:
• Project origination and recruitment of jv partners
• IPO support
• Corporate strategy
• Feasibility studies (SIDF compliant)
• Economic and financial modelling
• Energy market modelling, pricing and contract advice
• Company appraisals and competition analysis
• Benchmarking studies
• Market evaluations and forecasting
• Due diligence reports for banks and other financial institutions
• Government policy advice, including trade negotiation